Some problems is fixed!
Eyyy, Im good :P
- CSN wants to have all the paper so I can get the many in time from them.
But for sending that I need to get all the paper from Hólar and thats takes time... WILL SEND TO DAY
- Horse, hallo horse.... To many to pick... And the best horse is not the chepest one AND so on... STILL A PROBLEM
- Pay the saddel... WILL DO
- Getting all other stuff... WILL DO....
- BED in the apartment :P DONE
- Get the LÅN (va fan er de pð engelska, het glömt...) from Nordea... Shit, hard work... LEFT TO DO
And yeah get the fukking aparment ;) DOOOOONE
Soo, em, some of the problem is a little bit solvde... Not all of them but hey.. it two weeks to the school starts :P
Everything else is just going on, the girls on work, was quitting last week, so now im ALONE.. Buhu, stelpuna mina... My weird girls... ;)
And Im 20years old now, 16august, wieeee!!!
That means that now I can drink legally at Iceland, thanks... Good thad I stoped drinking long time ago :P Start soon, quite young! Kidding, I was drinking at þjodhatid :)